Monday, January 3, 2011

Internet Marketing

I have come to a point in my business where I have hit a block. And I had to step back to review what I really wanted in my business. So like many business owners THE SEARCH was on for what was out there to make me more money and gain an expansion knowledge. Which lead me to Dan Kennedy and Information marketing. It took me by surprise and I devoured every thing I could get my hands on. Im crazy about it and now I what to teach it, speak it, and make money from it.All I need now is the partners to help me care out my vision of living the marketing life. If you love marketing,direct marketing, internet marketing, or information marketing . We have to connect...I'm looking for self starters who can make it happen and make money while having fun.
Its time to connect ! I will post everyday until find the right people to get moving I dont have much time.

Marketing is Life!